Pelosi: NSA Leaker Snowden Not Traitor But ‘Should Face the Music’

NEWSMAX: House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi wants NSA leaker Edward Snowden to “face the music” on espionage charges, but she doesn’t believe he’s a traitor,” she told the Los Angeles Times Friday.

“I’m not of the school that says he’s a traitor,” Pelosi said in an interview with the newspaper’s editorial board. “I’m saying he broke the law, he should face the music, whatever that means.”…

Pelosi said Snowden should stand trial or reach a plea deal.

“If the idea was: American people, you should know … they are collecting metadata about your phone — who you call, not what you say but who you call — people would say, ‘Thank God you told me that.’ There’s a case that can be made for that,” she said… (more)
