Pelosi Now Open to Boehner’s Piecemeal Immigration Reform

NEWSMAX: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was furious with Speaker John Boehner a week ago over immigration reform — but now she says she’d be open to a piecemeal approach if that’s what the Ohio Republican wants to do.

“We have always said on that score that the speaker is the speaker, and any way he wants to bring the bill to the floor, in pieces or in big chunks or whatever it is, we just want to see legislation come to the floor so that Congress can act upon that legislation, the House can, and send it to the conference table with the Senate,” the California Democrat said Thursday, The Washington Times reported…

The change in mood is in sharp contrast to Nov. 14, when Pelosi erupted at Boehner’s suggestion the push for comprehensive immigration reform was over this year… (more)
