Paul Krugman:  Sanders over the edge

NEW YORK TIMES COLUMN:  From the beginning, many and probably most liberal policy wonks were skeptical about Bernie Sanders. On many major issues — including the signature issues of his campaign, especially financial reform — he seemed to go for easy slogans over hard thinking. And his political theory of change, his waving away of limits, seemed utterly unrealistic…

Is Mr. Sanders positioning himself to join the “Bernie or bust” crowd, walking away if he can’t pull off an extraordinary upset, and possibly helping put Donald Trump or Ted Cruz in the White House? If not, what does he think he’s doing?…

The Sanders campaign has brought out a lot of idealism and energy that the progressive movement needs. It has also, however, brought out a streak of petulant self-righteousness among some supporters. Has it brought out that streak in the candidate, too?…  (more)

 NEWSLANC EDITOR:  This is very thoughtful and timely column by Paul Krugman.  Bernie Sanders is saying many things that  liberal Democrats have long felt in their hearts.  Hillary Clinton should take note and hopefully raise her sight for her potential administration.

However, Sanders expresses important values but likely is not capable of bringing them about.  Clinton may be the only viable candidate for liberal Democrats to follow.

(Note we say “Clinton”.  Isn’t it time to stop calling Clinton by her first name?  Her husband can be referred to as Bill Clinton or President Clinton.)
