Paterno family decries leak of e-mails on Sandusky

USA TODAY:  …“Our message to everybody is slow down here,” said spokesman Dan McGinn. He said the e-mails, which the school turned over to an investigation by former FBI director Louis Freeh, “are all on the record. Everything is going to come out. What’s being done here is people are trying to leak something to try to pre-empt the Freeh Commission.”

The e-mails were reported Saturday by CNN, which said it had not seen them but listened to a source read them. USA TODAY could not independently verify the e-mails…

The e-mails also would suggest Paterno knew more than he said: On Feb. 26, 2001, CNN reported, Schultz suggests contacting authorities, but the next night, Curley writes to Spanier that after talking with Paterno, he would like to “work with” Sandusky instead…  (more)

