Passionate debate vs. hateful speech

It’s a disgrace that freedom of speech is being pushed to the limits by people not fit to lead.  Passionate debate supporting solid points of view that might hurt some feelings are one thing, but civility is seriously breached when it leads to influencing the lunatic fringe.

Words do matter when the message resonates with the audience.   “The pen is mightier than the sword” has echoed through history by deep thinkers.   Even Napoleon Bonaparte who knew much about warfare said “Four hostile newspapers are more to fear than a thousand bayonets.”

Then there is the other kind of speech – hateful speech, and speech that incites violence.  Yelling fire in a crowded theatre when there is no fire could cause panic and stampede and result in injury as the Supreme Court ruled.  Clearly all circumstances can’t be covered.  There’s a need for good judgment.

Instead of using the pen and “the tongue which is mightier than the blade” for good, words that incite violence are being used to appeal to people who are unstable.   This has to come to a screeching halt.
