Pass a law: It’s the best response to Obama on immigration

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE EDITORIAL: …Most Americans see three objectives to immigration reform. The first is to welcome fresh, needed talent to the country. The second is to keep immigration orderly, while maintaining border integrity. The third is to retain humanity, such as taking in people who are in danger and refusing to separate families, as a core characteristic.

The reaction of many to Mr. Obama’s orders was reflected in the response to remarks delivered by U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle, D-Forest Hills, at an event Downtown Thursday night. He was interrupted by applause on his reference to the president’s speech and when he characterized Pittsburgh, through its own immigration history, as a melting pot of generous people.

Most Americans want this issue to be addressed. Instead of threatening to impeach Mr. Obama or shut down the government, Republicans who oppose his unilateral action should put their energy into a proposal that the House, Senate and president can turn into law… (more)
