Palin Fundraiser, Home Purchase Fuels Speculation of 2012 Run

NEWSMAX:  With the GOP 2012 pack losing several big names following no-go announcements for Mitch Daniels, Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin took a bold step toward a possible presidential bid this week.

Palin has sent out some 400,000 direct-mail fundraising letters targeting voters in several early primary states – a move sure to get pundits’ tongues wagging. Also, on Sunday news broke that she may have purchased a home in Arizona, which could provide her a “Lower 48” base not only for a presidential bid but also a possible Senate campaign in 2012, both Fox News and the Arizona Republic reported.

Confirmation of a Palin house purchase in Scottsdale likely would rekindle chatter about whether Palin might run a political campaign out of Arizona, the home state of U.S. Sen. John McCain, who plucked her from relative political obscurity in 2008 to be his vice-presidential running mate, the Republic speculated Sunday…  (more)

EDITOR:  Why Arizona, a solid Republican state with few electoral votes,  as a base for a presidential run?  Is it possible she is thinking past 2012 to a Senate run?  She wouldn’t have as likely a chance in key swing states, such as Ohio.
