Pa. Gov. Corbett says he’s reached out to Kathleen Kane; is not worried about Sandusky probe

PATRIOT NEWS:  Gov. Tom Corbett said today that he made a congratulatory telephone call to victorious Attorney General Kathleen Kane Thursday, and expressed hopes for a good working relationship going forward.

Kane, a Democrat, ran hard this year on the idea that she will fully vet Corbett’s staff’s work on the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse investigation, with an eye toward learning whether the nearly three-year lag from initial report to arrest was appropriate…

“There is no communication from me to anybody to slow down an investigation. there is no communication from anyone to me that they were going to slow down for any political reason, and I wouldn’t want them to.”…  (more)

EDITOR:    As Shakespeare put it: “Me thinks he doth protest too much.”


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  1. The shredders have been busy.

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