Pa. GOP digests Senate loss to Republican maverick

CENTRE DAILY/AP: Republicans in the Pennsylvania state Senate are digesting the news that they’ll be joined by a conservative trash-hauling company owner who was heavily critical of the party for trying to defeat him in a special election.

Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi (puh-LEH-jee) suggested Wednesday that the negative campaign tactics shouldn’t leave hard feelings between them and Scott Wagner. He says it’s not the first spirited race between Republicans, and it won’t be the last.

But Wagner spokesman Ryan Shafik says the Senate Republican Campaign Committee launched personal attacks on Wagner and fence mending is needed… (more)


1 Comment

  1. Nice story that I missed in the newspaper. Thanks.

    A write in candidate that won a state senate seat?! It’s almost enough to renew my faith in the system.

    Hopefully the technique can get out so we can rid ourselves of some do-nothing career politicians.

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