OWS could bring change to American politics

If the Occupy movement can remain non-violent and succeed in policing its own adherents, notwithstanding the inevitable baiting by right wing thugs and some police forces, they could be the force that begins a fundamental change in the top down control of politics in America.

It is remarkable how much this movement resembles that which succeeded in Tunisia and Egypt and has been tried so far without success in Syria. It was also tried and thwarted by unabashed firepower in Libya, but in doing so created the spark of hope and willingness to fight (plus the unique circumstances of two former rival nations separated by hundreds of miles of desert and sea) that attracted military help from England, France and the US and with it an ultimate victory.


1 Comment

  1. I would love to see the OWS movement bring a little responsibility and fairness to the U.S. economy, but I don’t hold much hope for the current protest strategy. I think a better approach would be to generate an “enemy of the people” list of political candidates and organize campaigns to oust politicians sponsored by big business (this approach worked very well nearly 100 years ago to bring on prohibition in Ohio).

    I haven’t followed the OWS much, but I don’t see a charismatic leader(s) to provide unity. I’d like to help but I’m busy working, LOL. I do believe there is plenty of support, even among some of the last 5 %.

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