Outside cash pours into races, much of it anonymously

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER:   “Pennsylvania’s hurting,” the TV ad says, and Democratic Senate nominee Joe Sestak “voted to make it worse” by supporting limits on carbon emissions. They would lead to higher electric bills, $4-a-gallon gas, and lost jobs.

As for Republican Pat Toomey, he voted against a $1,500 bonus for veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq but favored letting Wall Street tycoons keep “every penny” of their bonuses…

But good luck tracking down who gave the money to ATR and VoteVets to finance those attacks in the first place. The groups don’t have to tell you – and they won’t.  .. 

So far the outside spending has overwhelmingly favored Republicans, and Democrats, including President Obama, have used it as a war cry in their effort to maintain control of both houses of Congress on Nov. 2, warning that unaccountable corporations are threatening democracy…(more) 


1 Comment

  1. Where was all the outrage in 2006 when Obama took all the undocumented anonymous money?

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