Osama Bin Laden said he would “break the backbone of American”

[Concerning “US jobless claims unexpectedly rise”] …Look at the people in the picture.  Each and every one could tell you how the economic disaster has cost them their jobs and in some cases, much more such as their pride, self respect and the pressure on the breadwinner is tremendous.  I consider the dismal job situation as a casualty of the war as well.

Osama Bin Laden said he would “break the backbone of American” and he is methodically doing just that and has engaged thousands of others to help him.  They don’t need to fly airplanes into buildings anymore…just keep us at war.  It WILL “break the bank” so to speak.  Coincidentally, when President Obama made known he was focused on bringing home our men and women, Bin Laden pops up on a video with more threats of attack.

When will we stop jumping to the bait? Bring the brave soldiers home to their families, pour the trillions of dollars it costs to stay at war, back into America. We need our military here to defend our country.

I would suspect the jobless claims have jumped because they are being processed more quickly or those employees who held back in hopes of returning to their present employment or in hopes of finding another job, are realizing that neither is about to happen for who knows how long.
