Official joining Comcast after backing takeover


A Federal Communications Commission official who recently voted in favour of Comcast’s takeover of NBC Universal is to join the newly integrated company.

Meredith Attwell Baker was one of four FCC commissioners who in January approved the combination of Comcast, the country’s largest cable operator, and NBCU, the television and film studio, after a lengthy review…

In her new role as senior vice-president of government affairs for NBCU, Ms Baker will be in charge of lobbying the government on issues pertinent to the company, such as piracy and labour relations. While Comcast said that it co-ordinated its governmental relations efforts, it said Ms Baker would not be directly lobbying for the interests of the cable operating ­company…

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EDITOR: We permit a revolving door between regulators and well paid company executives and directors.  We indeed have the best government money can buy!


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  1. And Pennsylvania is no exception.

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