Observers call Haitian runoff a success


Haiti struggled once more to pull off an orderly election Sunday, as confusion broke out at polls and turnout appeared low, but when the day ended quietly without major violence, election officials and foreign observers called it a success.

Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council ordered polls to stay open an hour longer, after angry crowds gathered in the morning at precincts where doors remained closed long after the scheduled 6 a.m. opening. Ballot boxes went missing at some, while others lacked paper and ink. There were scattered reports of clashes in Haiti’s provinces, and here in the capital some residents were spotted with two ink-stained thumbs — a sign they had voted twice.

Still, at many voting stations, the process seemed to unfold relatively smoothly in a country where elections are typically a rough, messy affair. International observers reported problems at several dozen precincts, but it was not difficult to find voters in the capital who had been turned away…

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