Obama’s Revolving Door Widens as White House Chief of Staff Quits

NEWSMAX:  The abrupt departure of Bill Daley, President Barack Obama’s third White House chief of staff, reflects what pundits say is a highly politicized White House that is focused on only one objective: winning re-election in November.

“It’s now totally a political operation — only politics,” Democratic pollster and Fox News analyst Doug Schoen tells Newsmax. “Everything else, and everyone else, takes second fiddle. Everyone and everything is expendable, when re-election is at stake.”…

According to veteran journalist and author John Fund, it was only a matter of time before Daley followed suit, after crossing swords with those close to Obama’s inner circle…  (more) 


1 Comment

  1. So which comes first….America;s needs or Obama’s needs?

    Need I say more??????????????

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