Obama’s approval lowest in his presidency


…Meanwhile, we will also be tracking President Obama’s job approval rating, which he and his advisers are also no doubt hoping will improve. Last week’s 42% average was the lowest of his administration. In terms of the Gallup Daily tracking three-day average that Gallup routinely reports, Obama hit a new low of 40% last week, but by Tuesday was back up to a three-day average of 42%. Obama thus continues — so far — to avoid a symbolic drop into the 30% range. This is pretty significant, because most presidents in the modern era have in fact seen their job approval ratings drop below 40%.

President Ronald Reagan’s job rating fell into the 30% range by the 24th month of his presidency (in January 1983). Bill Clinton’s approval rating fell to below 40% in the fifth month of his presidency (in June 1993).

Job approval ratings for the two President Bush’s were buoyed in their first terms by highly unusual events — George H.W. Bush by the Persian Gulf War, and George W. Bush by the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The elder Bush didn’t drop below 40% until February of 1992, in his fourth year of his presidency. This was bad timing, of course, since he was, at that point, already running for re-election. His ratings crashed down even further as 1992 progressed, and — of course — he lost to Bill Clinton that fall. The younger Bush went through his entire first term without ever dropping below 40%, a milestone he did not reach until October 2005, about a year after he had been re-elected.  The younger Bush, like his father, ultimately found his ratings in the 20% range before he left the presidency…

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