Obama weighs in as plan to burn Qurans sparks debate


…The Constitution won’t let you yell “fire” in a crowded theater if there isn’t one. It won’t let you utter “fighting words” with impunity. But scholars agree it will let a pistol-packing minister of a tiny fundamentalist church outrage countless Muslims by burning the Quran, a book he says he hasn’t read.

Florida preacher Terry Jones prepared for a bonfire of the Qurans on Saturday — the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks— despite protests from the White House, the Vatican, the U.S. commander in  Afghanistan, fellow Christian evangelicals and veterans’ groups…

President Obama became the latest to comment in an interview aired Thursday on ABC’s Good Morning America. The president called the plan a “stunt” that could “greatly endanger our young men and women in uniform who are in Iraq, who are in Afghanistan.”   “This is a recruitment bonanza for  Al Qaeda”, he added…

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