Obama: The ‘Real Voter Fraud’ Comes From ‘People Who Try To Deny Our Rights’

HUFFINGTON POST / AP: …Appearing at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network conference, [President Barack] Obama cited a 2006 DOJ analysis showing that out of 197,000,000 votes cast for federal elections between 2002 and 2005, only 40 voters were indicted for fraud…

“Let’s be clear,” Obama said. “The real voter fraud is people who try to deny our rights by making bogus arguments about voter fraud.”…

The election-year warning comes as Obama seeks to mobilize Democratic voters to fight back against state voting requirements and early balloting restrictions that many in his party fear will curb turnout in November. The president vowed that he would not let the attacks on voting rights go unchallenged, but offered no new announcements of specific actions his administration planned to take… (more)
