Obama Slams Republicans for Delaying Jobless Benefits Extension; Republican criticize Obama taking the weekend off


In his weekly address recorded Friday, the president said the Senate leadership has chosen to “filibuster our recovery and obstruct our progress” by not allowing votes on the measures. ….”

“Some Republicans actually treat this unemployment insurance as if it’s a form of welfare,” Obama said. “They say it discourages folks from looking for work. Well, I’ve met a lot of folks looking for work these past few years, and I can tell you I haven’t met any Americans who would rather have an unemployment check than a meaningful job that lets you provide for your family.” Republicans say the added jobless benefits come at a cost of $34 billion, which would be borrowed and heaped on the budget deficit. A second proposal would provide tax breaks and credit extensions for small businesses.

Obama, who was on a vacation weekend in Maine Saturday, took his own hit from the other side – the Republican National Committee which criticized him for taking time off during the oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico…

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