Obama Says Legalization Is Not the Answer on Drugs

NEW YORK TIMES: CARTAGENA, Colombia — …  “We have the obligation to see if we’re doing the best that we can do, or are there other alternatives that can be much more efficient?” Mr. Santos said during an informal panel discussion with Mr. Obama and President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil just before the summit meeting began. “One side can be all the consumers go to jail. On the other extreme is legalization. On the middle ground, we may have more practical policies.”

In his turn, Mr. Obama said, “I think it is entirely legitimate to have a conversation about whether the laws in place are ones that are doing more harm than good in certain places.”

But, he added, “I personally, and my administration’s position, is that legalization is not the answer.” Drug operations could come to “dominate certain countries if they were allowed to operate legally without any constraint,” he said, and “could be just as corrupting if not more corrupting then the status quo.” …  (more)

EDITOR: We wonder if President Obama fully understands that the attorney general’s attacks on medical marijuana outlets in California and elsewhere where state law allows is antagonizing his base.   Hundreds of thousands may not vote against him, but they won’t go to the polls come November to vote for him.   He is following a ‘damn fool’ approach and for no apparent good reason.  No one is going to attack medical marijuana given the overwhelming sentiment in its favor.


1 Comment

  1. The hypocrisy of the Presidents are outstanding! Clinton, Bush and Obama have all confessed to using illegal drugs!

    That they support biggest pharm while denying God’s herb that can be cheaply and easily raised in the back yard? Sickening.

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