Obama Rules Out ‘Military Excursion’ in Ukraine

NEWSMAX: President Barack Obama ruled out U.S. military involvement in Ukraine on Wednesday, emphasizing diplomacy in the U.S. standoff with Russia over Crimea…

Obama, who imposed sanctions on 11 Russian and Ukrainian officials on Monday, said the United States will push diplomatic efforts to bring pressure on Russia to loosen its grip on the Crimea region of southern Ukraine.

“There is a better path, but I think even the Ukrainians would acknowledge that for us to engage Russia militarily would not be appropriate and would not be good for Ukraine either,” Obama told KNSD… (more)

EDITOR: This is Obama at his greatest. He will not allow popular angst to cause him to rattle sabers. He knows that diplomatic and economic pressure over future months are a far better and safer way to contain Russia.

By the time NATO could mobilize, Russian troops already standing by would have seized Ukraine. Then what? If you are going to ‘fight a war’, do it on favorable battle ground.
