Obama removes Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism

WASHINGTON POST: The long-awaited action, which was announced by the White House in a message to Congress on Tuesday, follows a pledge made by Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro last December to move toward normalized relations.

Congress has 45 days to consider Cuba’s removal from the list before it takes effect, but it cannot interfere with Obama’s decision without voting on separate legislation, a measure that the White House has deemed unlikely…

In the four months since Obama and Castro announced they would move toward normalization, high-level Cuban and U.S. officials have held three rounds of talks on the initial step of establishing formal relations. Cuba had demanded that the United States lift the terrorism designation, while the United States has asked for Cuban assurances that its diplomats will be able to freely move around the island and that Cuban citizens will not be impeded in access to the U.S. Embassy… (more)

EDITOR: Another step towards foreign policy sanity. We have enough problems to deal with without fantasizing problems where they no longer exist.
