Obama praises young supporters at staff inaugural ball

USA TODAY:  The president and first lady Michelle Obama attended a staff inaugural ball Tuesday, though there are no press pictures of it…

“All of you have come to represent for me and Michelle our deepest hopes for America.” Obama said. The 51-year-old president added: “The average age here is probably around 20 something. And that’s only because I’m here, which brings the average age up, quite a bit.”…

Specifically citing the youth vote, Obama said: “It makes me know that America’s future is in good hands. As long as all of you understand the immense and incredible power that you possess when you work together, when you join voices.” …  (more)

EDITOR:   Twenty-year old son Benjamin attended, escorting his mother Karen who, like the President, brought the average up a bit. 

When President Obama looked out onto that crowd, he likely reflected  that future mayors,  governors, legislators, cabinet secretaries, and  ambassadors where congregated before him.   Also CEOs.  What a moment!
