Obama on Verge of Historic Rebuke Over Syria

NEWSMAX: The resolution authorizing an attack on Syrian strongman Bashar Assad, as punishment for his use of chemical weapons against his own people, is still expected to pass the Democratic-controlled Senate.

But the real question mark all along has been whether the administration could muster enough support to get the attack resolution through the House. And there, the situation for the administration appears to be growing dimmer by the hour.

Various news organizations are contacting members of Congress to see where they stand on the attack authorization. While each outlet has different numbers, the ominous sign for the administration is that all of them show the “no” votes outpacing the “yes” votes by a more than a 3-1 margin… (more)

EDITOR: That is why the President maintained he had the lawful right to order the attack but was seeking the advice of Congress. If the Senate votes one way and the House the other, he will likely go ahead. Meanwhile, House members will have a lot of explaining to do to their constituents.

Surprisingly, even the vaunted New York Times failed to listen closely and to report on what Barack Obama actually said. To us at NewsLanc, Wolf Blitzer of CNN seemed oblivious to what was actually said when he summarized the address.



  1. Wolf Blitzer, like most of the mainstream media, only hears what he wants, and only reports what he wants (sounds a lot like LNP doesn’t it???). Anything to put a positive spin on their own agenda, whoever the ‘spokesperson’ might be.

    EDITOR: Blitzer in part is hostage to an editor who feeds him what he is to say via a remote hearing aide.

  2. I predict that the Senate will vote yes, the House will vote no, and Obama won’t order the strikes. Which I think is a shame.

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