Obama Invites GOP to the Table on Health Care Reform Bill

From AOL.com:

“President Obama said Sunday he wants to include Republicans as well as Democrats in meetings aimed at trying to salvage the health care reform package stalled in Congress.

“Obama told CBS News’anchor Katie Couric in a an interview taped before the Superbowl interview that ‘I want to ask them (the Republicans) to put their ideas on the table, and then after the (congressional) recess, which will be a few weeks away, I want to come back and have a large meeting, the Republicans and Democrats, to go through systematically all the best ideas that are out there and move it forward.’

“The Washington Post reported that Obama had invited Republicans to take part in a half-day summit that would be televised live later this month, just as his meeting last week with House Republicans at their Baltimore retreat was opened to cameras.”

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1 Comment

  1. Does anyone really believe this is an honest invitation? Or is is merely to provide Obama and friends with the political cover they need to advance their leftist agenda? Remember, Obama’s track record clearly shows that when he SAYS he wants to hear other ideas, what he really means is that he promises that he will appear to listen, but then will go ahead with what he wanted to do anyway.

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