Obama Health Care Law: Supreme Court Sets Dates To Hear Oral Arguments

From the HUFF POST:

March madness is coming to the Supreme Court next year. The justices have designated three days, March 26 to March 28, as the oral argument dates for the health care cases…

On Monday, March 26, the Court will hear an hour of argument over whether a Reconstruction-era federal statute, the Anti-Injunction Act, bars the justices from making a decision on the individual mandate’s constitutionality until after the provision goes into effect in 2014.

The Court will consider two additional issues on Wednesday, March 28. Ninety minutes will be dedicated to whether the individual mandate is so central to the health care overhaul that the entire law must fall should the justices find the mandate itself unconstitutional. An additional hour of argument will address 26 states’ claim that the law improperly expands Medicaid by coercively conditioning states’ receipt of federal funds on their participation in the new health care exchange system…

Click here to read the full article.
