Obama Declares Gadhafi Must Step Down, Leave Now

From AOL:

President Barack Obama insisted Thursday that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi “step down from power and leave,” his most explicit statement of support for rebels challenging Gadhafi’s four-decade rule in a region convulsed by uprisings against authoritarian regimes. Gadhafi has vowed to stay.

Obama did not rule out establishing a “no-fly” zone over Libya, a move that his Pentagon chief said a day earlier would amount to an act of war because it would require bombing Libya’s air defenses. Although Obama said he was considering a full range of options, he emphasized the U.S. role in helping refugees and heading off a humanitarian crisis.

“Let me just be very unambiguous about this. Col. Gadhafi needs to step down from power and leave,” Obama said at a White House news conference with Mexican President Felipe Calderon

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