Obama and Cameron to talk tough on Libya

FT.COM:  The US and UK are warning that Nato will increase airstrikes against Libya to levels not yet seen during the two month old conflict, as the pageantry of President Barack Obama’s state visit to the UK turns to issues of life and death.

Speaking on a day when Nato aircraft carried out their most intensive attacks on Libyan targets to date, Ben Rhodes, Mr Obama’s deputy national security adviser, said Mr Obama and David Cameron, the UK prime minister, would make clear at a meeting at 10 Downing Street on Wednesday that the alliance would increase pressure on Col Gaddafi still further. ..

“You’ve seen already a very robust pace of targeting and operations in recent days, including in Tripoli,” said Mr Rhodes, referring to the heaviest strikes yet against Col Gaddafi’s command and control compound. “That sends a very clear message that the pressure is not going to relent, that it’s actually going to increase … We want to underscore to Gaddafi that the foot is not going to come off the gas pedal.” …  (more)
