Obama administration concedes that Mideast peace is beyond reach on his watch

WASHINGTON POST: …The issue has taken on greater importance with the recent wave of stabbings carried out by Palestinians against Israelis, senior administration members said during a conference call with reporters about Netanyahu’s visit next week.

They said that the administration has become “realistic” that there might not even be negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian officials before Obama leaves office. In September, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said his government would no longer consider itself bound by the Oslo peace agreements in effect for two decades, charging that Israel had failed to live up to its obligations.

Rob Malley, the National Security Council’s senior director for the Middle East, said that for the first time in two decades, an American administration “faces the reality” that a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “is not in the cards for the remainder” of a presidency. That, he said, has “led to a reassessment not only of what we can do but of what the parties can do.”… (more)


1 Comment

  1. Mideast Peace isn’t just how Israel gets to extirpate its Palestinian population with U.S. weapons. Obama has funded and promoted civil war in Libya, Yemen, Syria and continues the U.S. occupation of Iraq by holding the Green Zone around Baghdad and arming militias and the government to continue their civil war which has raged since the illegal occupation of Iraq under Bush. So not only is peace not in reach it was never even attempted under his regime.

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