Obama Administration Caves to Putin on Missile Shield for Europe

NEWSMAX: Buried in the news made late Friday made by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel that the U.S. planned to deploy missile interceptors in Alaska and California was the equally important news that the Obama administration was going to stop long-held plans to fully deploy a missile shield in Eastern Europe.

The Pentagon insisted that the change in deployment had nothing to do with trying to assuage Russia and everything with the threat from North Korea, which in recent months has sent a long-range missile into space, detonated a nuclear device, and, last week, sent a barrage of missiles into the Sea of Japan.

But the issue of the missile shield has long been seen as a sign of NATO’s commitment to protect Europe and former Soviet satellite states against a potentially belligerent Russia, which has made the anti-missile deployment a key target in their diplomatic efforts with the U.S… (more)

EDITOR: After the fall of the Soviet Union, it appeared to us both wasteful and belligerent to install missile interceptors in Western Union with the excuse that we were guarding against China. Given the way Putin has acted over the past few years, now it doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.
