Obama’s proposal for more trade with Asia may not go over so well in his own party

WASHINGTON POST: …[President] Obama’s embrace of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) faces fierce opposition from some of his closest political allies and the organizational heart of the Democratic coalition: labor unions, environmental groups and the progressive wing of Congress. His critics on the left contend the pact would help American corporations in state-controlled foreign markets but would lead to job losses and exacerbate the growing income gap at home.

If Obama pushes hard but fails, “Republicans will still be fine with that if they can ignite a civil war on the left,” said Austan Goolsbee, who chaired Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers from 2010 to 2011 and supports the trade push.

Already, the AFL-CIO has suspended all political contributions to focus on defeating the TPP. Rust Belt Democrats have accused Obama of betraying his past opposition to big trade deals as a senator. And Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s fierce criticism of provisions favoring corporations has made it difficult for Hillary Rodham Clinton to embrace the pact in her White House bid — even though she touted it as secretary of state… (more)
