NYC Vendors Are Eyes and Ears On the Street


Ask a street vendor, and you’ll hear that it’s no surprise that it was guys hawking their wares who noticed a car in Times Square parked where it shouldn’t have been.

Street sellers Lance Orton and Duane Jackson saw the SUV last weekend, keys in the ignition but no driver in sight. They notified police, who investigated what turned out to be a potential bomb. Since then, the vendors have been thanked by everyone from others on the street to President Barack Obama.

The failed bomb has put a spotlight on the thousands of vendors who sell food, art, clothing and other items on city streets. They’ve been held up as proof of how everyday people have a role in keeping a community safe, examples of the message that’s been repeated by public officials such as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano: If you see something, say something…

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