Nuclear Inspectors Say Their Mission to Iran Has Failed


NEW YORK TIMES:   International nuclear inspectors reported Tuesday evening that their mission to Iran had failed, with Tehran blocking their access to a site the inspectors believe could have been used for tests on how to produce a nuclear weapon, and refusing to agree to a process for resolving questions about other “possible military dimensions” to its nuclear program.

The announcement came in a terse press release from the International Atomic Energy Agency, a United Nations agency, which said its inspection team had left the country. The agency is expected to release its latest report on the status of Iran’s program in the next week…

In the statement Tuesday, the nuclear agency said its team “requested access to the military site at Parchin,” where there was evidence of a facility that could be used in weapons-related testing. “Iran did not grant permission for this visit to take place,” the statement said. In the past Iran has said that the team of inspectors could visit any nuclear-related location, but it maintained that Parchin was a military base, and off limits…  (more)
