Nuclear energy’s ‘perfect storm’

Amazing how many things are going wrong around nuclear energy these days.  In fact, this article does not even cover all of them, but hits most of the big ones.  Then the question becomes:

“Whether the US will now turn with Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland, Israel and others away from atomic power and toward a green-powered Earth is up to us.  The Solartopian technologies of wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, ocean thermal, bio-fuels, increased efficiency and conservation are now demonstrably cheaper, safer, cleaner, more reliable, more job-producing and quicker to install than anything atomic energy can promise.”

The sooner we make that turn, move investment from nuclear, oil and coal and into the future energy solutions the better off the country and world will be.  We could be carbon free/nuclear free by 2030 and it would create vast new wealth, millions of jobs and begin to un-degrade the environment which was degraded badly by the industrial and chemical revolutions.

Fukushima Spews, Los Alamos Burns, Vermont Rages and We’ve Almost Lost Nebraska

