Not One Successful Home Rule Government

From the beginning of the Home Rule Committee formation, I went to my source and asked for an explanation of this form of government. Critics are on the money when they suggest that this all was brought about by Lancaster Newspapers and I would add the Chamber and Dale High.

Lancaster County is too stubborn and political to vote this in.

What we need is five Commissioners as we are now a Class 2 County and may be forming a health department.

My source can not come up with one successful Home Rule form of government, and those that had it are now back to elected forms.

As Shad said in the Side by Side section of the Lancaster Post, it is not broken, it does not need fixed AND it will cost double.

A sad part of this is that our past Executive who was top flight, Mark Esterbrook, was a great asset and had wonderful foresight. Who will replace him is going to be a very important. I shudder to think what a Dale High / Chamber favored Home Rule Board would do to this County. I may have to relocate.
