No hide nor hair seen of John Edwards at Democratic forum

USA TODAY:…The mere proximity of the scandal’s principals embarrasses the Democrats. Edwards, 59, lives in Chapel Hill (about two hours east of here) on a 100-acre estate with his two youngest children. (Their mother separated from Edwards in 2010 and died later that year.) Hunter, who has said her relationship with Edwards is over, lives in Charlotte with their 4-year-old daughter…

For a model of public rehabilitation, Edwards need only watch TV Wednesday night. Another politician who cheated on his wife and lied about it —Bill Clinton— will speak in prime time. 

To Robert Loevy of Colorado College, who has studied the subject, it proves one thing: “No one is beyond political redemption in this country.” …   (more)

 EDITOR:   Let’s hope so.  Edwards’s was an important voice.  He dealt badly with a very difficult personal situation.   If he were not a public figure, he could have handled matters differently and few would have raised an eye brow.
