Nixon Hailed as Foreign Policy Genius at Centennial of Birth

NEWSMAX:  …“He looked at (the world) as a world with 200 countries and 200 leaders, and he studied every one of those leaders, and he knew most of them,” said Bruce Herschensohn, a friend and speech writer for Nixon who delivered the keynote address. “It’s a talent that I have never seen equaled.”…

During Sunday’s ceremony, the Watergate scandal was not mentioned.

“To me, there’s nothing to mention,” Herschensohn said after the speech. “That doesn’t make (the Watergate scandal) right, but that’s the way Washington operated.”…    (more)

EDITOR:  Nixon’s paranoia and loyalty to friends tripped him up.  He was not impeached for ordering the Watergate break in but for covering up what took place. (John Mitchell, then Attorney General and Nixon’s mentor and best friend, reluctantly and somewhat casually gave the go ahead.)  

“Dr. Tom” is correct that Nixon is responsible for  many of the horrors of the War on Drugs.  Note how long it has taken for the public to change its views on marijuana use.   The facts haven’t changed; just how the pubic has been educated to think about the matter.  

Nixon almost died soon after resigning his office.  Fortunately he lived long enough to publish several important books and to regain some respectability, at least in certain circles.  

In a way, Nixon was another casualty of the Viet-Nam War.

It truly takes at last fifty years for some historic events to be viewed objectively and in context.
