NIGHTMARE: Newspaper rejects Clinton and Trump, endorses third-party candidate

NEWSLANC EDITOR: If Gary Johnson and from the Liberian Party and Jill Stein of the Green Party are permitted to join the presidential debates, and they deserve to be, it will set the stage for Donald Trump to back into the Presidency with les than 40% of the national vote.

Whether merited or not, both the Republican and Democrat candidates are disliked by the vast majority of the electorate.

AOL: …The Richmond Times-Dispatch posed this question to its readers this weekend. In a sign of the times, the well-known Virginia newspaper has endorsed a third-party candidate — Libertarian Gary Johnson — for president.

Johnson apparently won the editorial board over when he met with it last week. The board wrote, “He’s a man of good integrity, apparently normal ego and sound ideas. Sadly, in the 2016 presidential contest, those essential qualities make him an anomaly — though they are the foundations for solid leadership and trustworthy character.” …

It wrote, “We have over the years interviewed hundreds of politicians … and there’s no doubt that Johnson belongs in the major leagues … He is a skilled and experienced leader, an able communicator, an intelligent man.” … (more)





1 Comment

  1. Any action that helps propel Trump into the white house is ill considered. Maybe electing Trump is their goal but they don’t want to be seen endorsing him.

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