Newstead Trio China Kickoff Project

Dear Friends and colleagues,

Please go to the link below to learn about a proposed documentary film of the Newstead Trio’s upcoming China tour. It would be most appreciated if  you could forward the link to as many people as possible and spread the word throughout your facebook accounts.  We are very excited about the possibilities that lie within this endeavor.

Every form of support for this project on kickstarter also generates a gift to the supporter.  The gifts, such as educational outreach programs and public performances directly correlate to the Newstead Trio’s mission of expanding the experience of chamber music to audiences worldwide.

All best wishes,

Michael Jamanis, Jr.



  1. The kickstarter website reads “This project will only be funded if at least $57,984 is pledged by Sunday Sep 18, 3:57pm EDT”. Question: what happens to the pledges and donations if that goal is not reached?


    Thank you for your question.
    Money is held in escrow by Amazon. If the funding goal is not met, all donors are reimbursed.
    I believe this explanation has now been added to the kickstarter page.
    Please support our project and spread the word.

  2. To anonymous above: With these pledges and donations used at Kickstarter, no one is charged at all unless the full pledge, or above, is made for the project and not until after the end date for the pledges. Here is the information from their FAQ:

    If I make a pledge, when is my card charged?
    If the project you’re backing is successfully funded, your card will be charged when the project reaches its funding deadline. If the project does not reach its funding goal, your card is never charged. That’s why we call them pledges.

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