An article “Why Dobbs Quit CNN: Birthers, Politics” reports The beginning of the end, the New York Post is reporting, came in July when CNN President Jonathan Klein told Dobbs’ staff in a memo to stay away from so-called ‘birther’ stories about doubts that Barack Obama was really born in the United States….It seems this story is dead because anyone who still is not convinced doesn’t really have a legitimate beef,” Klein said in the memo.

“CNN apparently doesn’t like the controversy and is seeking to position itself as a middle-of-the-road news source between conservative Fox News and left-leaning MSNBC, and Dobbs reportedly had been resisting pressure to soften his stance on immigration and other issues.”

WATCHDOG: Although we did not always agree, we admired Dobbs for his courageous reporting and brave stances. However, over time, he evolved into an ideologue and his demeanor became overly strident. Perhaps a few months off will be good for him.

Updated: November 14, 2009 — 3:13 pm