“The Obama freight train that has been steamrolling American politics ever since his election one year ago ran squarely into a political brick wall Tuesday night, as Democrats suffered stunning setbacks in the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial races.”

Dick Morris:  “That sends a message to the 83 Democratic congressmen, who come from red states that [Sen John] McCain carried, and the 20-plus Democratic senators who come from those states. And that message is you cannot count on Obama to carry you through. If you vote for a healthcare proposal that people don’t like, you are on your own. And if Obama couldn’t bail out Corzine in a blue state, and he couldn’t bail out Deeds in a borderline red state, he can’t bail you out.”

WATCHDOG: Better no health care reform in 2009 than one without a strong Consumer Option, a.k.a. Public Option.  But people will have to be further impoverished by the extraordinarily high health care costs and limited coverage in the USA before they are willing to take heed of facts rather than myths. As the cost consequences of the current system become unbearable, the public may finally insist on Single Payer. 2009 may be remembered as the last chance the existing health care network had an opportunity to preserve itself!

Updated: November 4, 2009 — 9:26 am

1 Comment

  1. Not surprised by the Morris, NewsMax analysis. It represents their political bias more than anything.

    Virginia is nine for nine. Nine times in a row they voted for a president from one party and then a year later voted for a governor from the other party. On top of that in this election the Republican was from vote rich Northern Virginia and would naturally get votes from the more conservative parts of the state. And, the Democrat was from SW Virginia and was never able to excite the Dem base in Northern Virginia. Deeds ran a totally negative campaign focused on the Republican’s master’s thesis without putting forward a positive message. The Repub had a pro-jobs agenda. Corzine’s race all about local issues — corruption of NJ politics and high property taxes. And, Corzine being a former Wall Streeter did not help him this year. It is a very hard time to be a governor with shrinking revenues and increasing demands.

    The Dems won both congressional races yesterday in California and NY. If the Repubs had gotten behind their moderate candidate they probably would have won in NY but the extremists took control and that helped the Dem.

    If Obama takes anything from this it should be jobs, jobs, jobs. If the unemployment rate is near 10% next summer the Dems should be very nervous. That needs to be the Obama teams primary focus for the economy and their political strength in the mid-term elections. There are 47 House Districts the Dems won where McCain won the District. The Repubs need 40 to take majority in the House. It would be a real surprise if they achieved that, more likely is 15 to 20. In the Senate the Dems could easily lose a few seats and that would make it hard to push any change-leaning legislation. The Dem base is going to get more and more frustrated and turned off.

    As you know, I’m unenthused about the Obama-Dem health care plan. Passing it may do them more harm than good politically as people understand the details. But, the Dems seem on a path to pass it in any way they can, no matter how lousy the final bill turns out.

    The economy presents lots of challenges for Obama and the Dems.

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