Headline article “US Bolsters Defenses in Strait of Hormuz” reports:

“The Pentagon has notified US lawmakers of plans to bolster US defenses in and around the Strait of Hormuz to be prepared for a military response against Iran, a report said Friday.

“New mine-detection and clearing equipment as well as improved surveillance capabilities are part of the planned build-up, said the Wall Street Journal, citing defense officials briefed on the requests.

“The Pentagon also wants to modify ship weapons systems to best deal with Iranian attack boats in the Strait, said the report…”   (more)

WATCHDOG:   The Article is from  AFP, a reputable French news service. A search of the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times did not find any prominent mention, if any at all, of its subject matter.  Yet NewsMax , in an apparent saber rattling effort, day after day headlines such articles implying an imminent Iranian threat.

NewsMax is a voice of the right wing of the Republican Party.  For editorial balance, we often link to its articles.   

 Sometimes it isn’t what an article says that is as important as how it placed.  Read the first time it suggests an imminent conflict.    Read a second time it is about a routine deployment to counter introduction of small Iranian crafts into the Strait.    This is the type of warmongering that led us into Iraq and nation building efforts in Afghanistan.

Updated: February 26, 2012 — 6:50 am