An article headed “McCain Slams $2M Super Bowl Census Ads” reports:  “Sen. John McCain has criticized the Census Bureau for buying ad time on Sunday’s Super Bowl — an event well known for its staggering advertising costs.

“’While the census is very important to AZ, we shouldn’t be wasting $2.5 million taxpayer dollars to compete with ads for Doritos!’ the Arizona Republican wrote via Twitter.

“He also said: ‘The census happens every 10 years. Everybody knows it happens.’  The outlay, he added, “is shameful.”

“The $2.5 million expenditure is part of a projected $130 million census awareness budget, Politico reported.”  (more)

WATCHDOG: Sen. McCain should know better than that.  It isn’t a matter of notifying people that there is a census, it is gaining their cooperation and overcoming hostility by many to any effort by government.

The Super Bowl enables the government to reach not only the largest audience, but a large portion of the population that otherwise would not view their other televised messages.

This seems like just more of Republicans seizing every opportunity to attack  the Obama Administration, playing to the misconceptions of many of their followers.     McCain sounds angrier and more bitter  by the day, and it doesn’t become someone we used to admire.   Growl!

Updated: February 6, 2010 — 11:49 am