Article Gingrich Reverses Stand on Libya” reports:   “…The former House speaker was quick to criticize President Barack Obama two weeks ago for not being more forceful in leading an international campaign to destroy Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s air defenses and save rebels from impending defeat. Gingrich said the United States should tell Gadhafi “that slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that we’re intervening.

“On Wednesday, he did an about-face.

“’I would not have intervened,’ he said in an interview with NBC News. ‘I think there were a lot of other ways to affect Gadhafi. I think there are a lot of other allies in the region that we could have worked with. I would not have used American and European forces.’”

WATCHDOG: So we are to understand that Newt Gingrich would play Hamlet and change his mind after committing the nation to military actions!   This is commendable in an academic but hardly appropriate in the nation’s leader who is expected, through consultation with others, to come up with the right answers at the outset.   That the report is published in conservative NewsLanc is particularly damning for the Republican.  Some have suggested Gingrich is running a sham campaign to raise funds for his own use.  Growl!

Updated: March 24, 2011 — 10:37 am

1 Comment

  1. “Conservative NewsLanc”? You are kidding, right? NewsLanc is one of the most far left publications One could imagine.

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