The conservative web site and publication headlines “Newsmax Poll: Donald Trump Overwhelms Obama, GOP Field in 2012 Race.” It continues “If the election were held today, Trump would beat Obama in a landslide, 68 to 13 percent. But that lead is just as sizeable when Trump faces off against the best and the brightest in the oft-mentioned field of GOP contenders for 2012.”

WATCHDOG: It is only by reading further that one discovers:  “The Newsmax online survey [is] a non-scientific poll.” In other words, the question is posted and those who respond are self selected.

So what this really measures is the views of the ignorant  lunatic fringe of the ultra-conservative right.   Growl!

Updated: April 12, 2011 — 9:51 am


  1. “…ignorant lunatic fringe of the ultra-conservative right”.

    And who would you include in the ‘lunatic fringe of the ultra-liberal left???

    MSNBC? CNN? NBC? CBS? ABC? PBS? Gil Smart? Jeff Hawkes? Larry Alexander?

    EDITOR: I am not familiar with Larry Alexander but certainly not any of the others, with the possible exception of a rant or two on MSNBC…but they also carry Good Morning Joe.”

    I welcome suggestions about who on the left can be considered the equivalent to ‘birthers’, anti-evolutionists, and people who don’t consider the federal income tax to be legal.
    It may stimulate some general discussion.

  2. Larry Alexander is the so-called ‘humor columnist’ for LNP……is primary source of ‘humor’ is pointed at the GOP.

    By ‘birthers’, I assume you are referring to those who need to see a birth certificate verifying President Obama’s birthplace. Should be easy enough to do, and then the lingering questions would be put to rest.

    EDITOR: Given the birth announcement and official records, I know of no “lingering questions.”

    By ‘anti-evolutionists’, I assume you are referring to those who believe in a higher power who created the world and all that it encompasses. I happen to believe in God, and find no difficulty in evolution….I personally believe that science and faith can co-exist….I know this much, my life on earth and in eternally would be vastly inferior without my faith in Jesus Christ.

    EDITOR: You do not deny evolution. Rather you take what is the majority viewpoint that science and religion can co-exist.

    As far as taxes go….they are what they are. I have always paid my fair share of local, state, and federal income tax. I may not always agree with how they are spent, but I have never reneged on my obligations either. I do have a problem with the ‘redistribution of wealth’ when it benefits those who are ‘on the dole’ all the time. I have worked hard for forty years to earn what I can lay claim to (which is very modest). “Charity” to those who are truly in need is one thing, ‘Hand-outs’ to those too eager to accept a ‘freebie’ is another story.

    EDITOR: Again, your views are centrist. You may or may not be a conservative but you certainly are not part of any “lunatic right wing fringe.”

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