Article “Gallup Poll: Hillary Clinton’s Popularity Hits Near-Record High” reports:  “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s favorable rating has reached 66 percent, her highest rating since she assumed her current position in the Barack Obama administration, a Gallup poll reveals.

“’Clinton recently ruled out serving another term as secretary of state in a possible Obama second term and has squelched speculation that she might replace Biden as vice president,’ Gallup observes. ‘This has only fueled speculation about what her presidential ambitions might be for 2016.’”

WATCHDOG: Clinton was born on October 26, 1947.  By the year 2017 when presumably she would move into the White House, she would be 70 years old.    Ronald Reagan was 70 when he became President.

Updated: April 3, 2011 — 9:44 am

1 Comment

  1. Anyone ever consider the possibility that the reason her favorable rating is so high is that she has declared she is NOT interested in any “public service” positions in the future?????????

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