“Kissinger: Gadhafi Remaining ‘Incomprehensible’” reports:

“I want to make clear, I am not necessarily in agreement with every step that got us to where we are. But now we are in a military operation, we have committed major American forces, and we will be judged by the outcome,” Kissinger said. “And if the outcome is that Gadhafi stays in office and that, therefore, Libya will be either partitioned, or in the worst case, fall … increasingly under his rule, then the American actions will be considered incomprehensible by people who judge our international behavior. So I’m assuming that the outcome will be that Gadhafi will be overthrown.”

WATCHDOG: Talk about déjà vu!  We heard the same thing forty years ago concerning US remaining in Viet Nam and recently about Iraq and Afghanistan.  The more things change, the more they seem to remain the same!

Updated: March 23, 2011 — 2:49 pm