NewsLanc’s "boys will be boys" naivete

I am always shocked at Newslanc’s lack of understanding of the crime of rape (Mr. Owen was convicted and served I believe 20 years for rape). And I am amazed at the repeated “boys will be boys” naivete of your editorial response to letters concerning sex offenses.

Rape is not about sex. It is not about sexual addiction. Sex addicts manage to find willing partners, prostitutes, or porn to feed their addictions. Rape is about control. Rape is about violence. And approaching women in the WalMart parking lot was not about looking for a sexual partner, it was about violence. It was violent speech, threatening speech, not “Hey, lady, you are one hot mama!” The purpose was for him to enjoy the fear of these women.

You missed the mark with the Watchdog piece, and badly missed the mark with your editorial comment to your letter writer. Your fifty years ago comment which dismisses Mr. Owen’s crime demonstrates a callousness toward the women involved and a bias in favor of these men, who you are championing as the real victims.

One hundred years ago, it would not have been a lady slapping Mr. Owen’s face. It would have been the lady’s father, or brother, or husband dealing with Mr. Owen in a lot less polite manner.

Editor’s response: We don’t recall discussing rape. Rather, the subject was how best to deal with sex offenders who have completed their sentences and have returned to society.

Subsequent reports have suggested that the perpetrator had been more aggresive than was initially indicated and, while not assaulting anyone, had gone beyond simply saying inapproprite things to acts of greater intimidation. Although more disturbing, it does not change the thrust of NewsLanc’s call for housing in a supportive environment and free from harrassment for ex-cons.
