NewsLanc should post both sides of the story

I saw your report on the Traacc meeting and it seems your site is doing exactly what you accuse the Lancaster Newspapers of doing, which is reporting one side of the story without even bothering to contact the other.

Did Newslanc try to call John Fry or anyone else from F&M for comment? I realize Newslanc and other self-style truth tellers think they’re giving a more fair and balanced account, but your reports are as one sided as the newspaper reports, just from the other side.

Finally, the Trraac people might want to consider that all the pollution on the dump site is now seeping into their groundwater but if F&M redeveloped the site it would have to clean it up as part of the process, meaning that in the long run the Farmindale Road environment would actually be cleaner than it is now.

Editor’s response: We have recently posted “F & M’s response to TRRAAC’s alternatives” under News & Commentary. We also provided a link to F & M’s relevant web page.
