Newslanc / Real Reporting practices re comments and letters

We are eager to publish thoughtful opposing views on this web site.

But, in the words of Senator Patrick Moynihan, ”People are entitled to their own views but not their own facts.”

We see no value in publishing obviously incorrect information. Nor do we think our readership is interested in unsubstantiated accusations concerning parties or people.

Civility is also important to us.

Nothing gets automatically posted on the NewsLanc web site without it being reviewed by the editor. Along with the above criteria, this is to assure anonymity and avoid libelous statements.

(Some contributors utilize the tools provided to be anonymous. Most rely upon the editor to remove their identity.)

We do apologize that our Facebook page is subject to low standards, since we have no control about what comments are posted. Nor do we have the time to continuously monitor for accuracy and civility.

Some Facebook comments are good and at times we copy them on our web page. Some are just ignorant and offensive. If we happen to encounter egregiously inappropriate postings, we conceal them.

Thank you for visiting with us. When so moved, please share your thoughts.
